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There will be no Up The Line 2012 event, please see our London Underground event no man's land [click]

Below is a short film from behind the scenes that includes many interviews with the Friends of Margate St John’s Cemetery and a taste of why they got involved. There is also the feedback from our formal annual survey conducted 3-months after the performance to ascertain whether the event had residual impact months later. All feedback is provided verbatim.

If you are interested in a possible Up The Line event in your area during 2012 or beyond please get in touch as we are about to embark on our location search for this year.

Film by Dougal Squires, Up The Line Remembrance, St John's Margate Cemetery,

10th Novemeber 2011

Survey responses to Up The Line Remembrance event in Margate St John’s Cemetery

10th November 2011

Survey was available on Survey Monkey throughout February 2012

Survey responses to Up The Line Remembrance event in Margate St John’s Cemetery

10th November 2011

Survey was available on Survey Monkey throughout February 2012

Survey remains open until 15th March 2012 CLICK HERE TO COMPLETE

Response Summary up to 27th February 2012

Response Summary up to 27th February 2012

Total Started Survey: 17

Total Completed Survey: 17 (100%)

Page: 'Up The Line' 2011 Remembrance Event

1. It is 3 months since you attended 'Up The Line' in St John's Cemetery, Margate. How would you rate the event now?

answered question 17

skipped question 0

Response Percent Response

Excellent 70.6% 12

Very Good 29.4% 5

Good 0.0% 0

Fairly Poor 0.0% 0

Poor 0.0% 0

2. Would you be likely to attend another 'Up The Line' event in Kent with new performances in 2012?

answered question 17

skipped question 0

Response Percent Response

Definitely 52.9% 9

Very Likely 29.4% 5

Very Unlikely 0.0% 0

Definitely Not 0.0% 0

Not Sure 17.6% 3

3. If you do plan to attend a future 'Up The Line' event in 2012, how far would you be prepared to travel to a different cemetery?

answered question 17

skipped question 0

Response Percent Response

I will travel anywhere in the South East 5.3% 6

Only if it is within 30 minutes travel time from home 7.6% 3

I only want to attend Cemeteries in East Kent 7.6% 3

Don't Know 9.4% 5

Don't plan to attend a future event .0% 0

4. Has 'Up The Line' 2011 encouraged you to consider the impact of war and conflict?

answered question 17

skipped question 0

Response Percent Response

Yes Very Much 47.1% 8

Yes Occasionally 47.1% 8

Only At The Event 5.9% 1

No Made No Impact 0.0% 0

Don't Know 0.0% 0

Other (please specify) 0

5. Do you believe it is important that new ways of engaging the subject of Remembrance is needed?

answered question 17

skipped question 0

Response Percent Response

Very Important 76.5% 13

Fairly Important 17.6% 3

Not Very Important 5.9% 1

Not Important At All 0.0% 0

Don't Know 0.0% 0

Other (please specify) 0

6. How well did the event help you connect with the cemetery?

answered question 17

skipped question 0

Response Percent Response


Created a strong connection to a place I would not normally visit 70.6% 12

Reaffirmed my existing connection to the cemetery 11.8% 2

Created no connection for me to the cemetery 11.8% 2

Diluted my existing connection to the cemetery 0.0% 0

Don't Know 5.9% 1

7. What is your favourite memory of 'Up The Line' 2011?

The pianist, the poems and the candle-lit atmosphere

11/2/2012 19:54View Responses

Enjoying people listening to the Harry's journal reading and watching the installation video

10/2/2012 12:59View Responses

The overall feeling of the war imagery, music and it being in a cemetery created a new feel and style to the idea of remembrance events for me.

9/2/2012 8:50View Responses

the musicians and poetry

7/2/2012 19:51View Responses

The dance performance

6/2/2012 12:43View Responses

The keyboard and vocalist combo with dead rat orchestra close second

5/2/2012 15:01View Responses

The lighting was excellent, complimented the artists very well.

4/2/2012 17:06View Responses

The dancers and the wonderful weather. The cemetary itself is wonderfully atmospheric place, the monuments to the Battle of Britain airmen were very evocative by moonlight.

4/2/2012 11:52View Responses

the 2 music performances : The piano play and the dead rat orchestra

3/2/2012 8:49View Responses

the shift of tones

2/2/2012 17:49View Responses

Dance performance and film. The candelit walk and the general feeling of being a part of something very special

2/2/2012 16:14View Responses

Poppy on the busj

2/2/2012 14:30View Responses

The performances impressed me a lot. stop around 3-4 mins per gig and immersed in the mood. I liked the dance, pipe and DRO the most

2/2/2012 14:03View Responses

The music and the candles, the memories of the soldiers who fought. One of our party lost a brother in WWII, he found the event deeply moving.

2/2/2012 13:57View Responses


2/2/2012 13:01View Responses

The poetry readings from Jazzman.

2/2/2012 12:44View Responses

8. What least impressed you about 'Up The Line' 2011?

Can't think of anything

11/2/2012 19:54View Responses

I think it would be better to use animated photos instead of video clips next time.

10/2/2012 12:59View Responses

probably the dance - though good in its own right - i had difficulty in connecting it to the war.

7/2/2012 19:51View Responses

The opening piper

6/2/2012 12:43View Responses

Dead rat orchestra got lost at end felt it/they were wasted opportunity

5/2/2012 15:01View Responses

Nothing, was happy to see such a good turn out

4/2/2012 17:06View Responses

Nothing, it was all good.

4/2/2012 11:52View Responses

the children too young to understand very playful and quite loud who made it difficult to hear poems and texts

3/2/2012 8:49View Responses

the door open of the messy chapel.

2/2/2012 17:49View Responses


2/2/2012 14:30View Responses


2/2/2012 14:03View Responses

I can't think of any criticisms. Perhaps the marketing could have been better. I only found out about when I called into Bachelors in Margate and saw a poster.

2/2/2012 13:57View Responses


2/2/2012 13:01View Responses

9. Any comments, suggestions or feedback

Not very well advertised.

11/2/2012 19:54View Responses

Perhaps some war uniforms could be worn, partic. WW1 with the leg binders etc. Also some very low background music of 1914 music. 'Roses are blooming....' Madamoiselle of Armetieres' etc

7/2/2012 19:51View Responses

Pretty dam good and inspirational experience thank you

5/2/2012 15:01View Responses

Thank you for putting the event on

4/2/2012 17:06View Responses

There should be a similar event during the summer months.

4/2/2012 11:52View Responses

It was excellent

2/2/2012 14:30View Responses

It was the most moving evening. Simple and very effective. I am not a pacifist. I believe in defensive action. We are highly socialised animals and war brings out the best and the worst sides of that instinct. I heard that in the material chosen. I was so glad I went.

2/2/2012 13:57View Responses

a great and emotional event that should be an annual thing and needs funding from tdc and kcc

2/2/2012 13:01View Responses

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